Category: Awkward moment status
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That awkward moment when a 10 year old kid says; When I was a kid.

That awkward moment when your ex likes your new relationship status on facebook.

That awkward moment when your friend tagged you and you are looking bad in that photo.

The awkward moment when you get into one little fight and your mum gets scared and makes you move in with your auntie and 

uncle in Bel-air.

That awkward moment when your in the car driving, singing loud and your phone decides to call someone and they just 


That Awkward Moment When your crush asks you, “Who do you like?”

That awkward moment when you tickle someone and they're not even ticklish.

The awkward moment when you suddenly remember something really hilarious in a silent situation.

That awkward moment when you realize that you mistaken your own car for someone else's car that is identical and you spent 

a good five minutes trying to unlock it.

That awkward moment: When you're in the car, and you look at the people in the car next to you, and they're already looking 

at you.

That awkward moment when you're trying to explain how a song goes, but you really don't want to sing it.

That awkward moment when someone asks you what's wrong, when they're the problem.

That awkward moment when you're about to give a speech and you aren't nervous at all, then as soon as you hit the podium 

you get nervous.

The awkward moment when someone catches you staring at them.

The awkward moment when you’ve already said “what?” three times and still have no idea what the person said, so you just 


That awkward moment when you wave your hand in front of a paper towel dispenser that isnt automatic.

That awkward moment when the person next to you bursts out laughing randomly..

If anyone catches me singing in my car, my immediate reaction is to stare at them until it is equally awkward for both of 


The awkward moment when a sentence doesn't end the way you think it octopus.