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“O universo conspira para que eu coma rosquinhas de chocolate amanteigadas.”

― Filipe Russo,

“To me, chocolate was the sole reason we on this earth.”

― Esi Edugyan

“Mom always said too much chocolate is like having too much love—you can't get enough-Geraldine Solon, Chocolicious”

― Geraldine Solon

“If it's not chocolate, it's not breakfast.”

― Laini Taylor

“It’s hard not to smile when you’re going eyeball to eyeball with a frosted chocolate cupcake.”

― Shannon Wiersbitzky

“I need God’s grace and something baked with peanut butter and chocolate.”

― Gloria Furman

“Hey, Mrs. Jakes, how come people can’t afford new shoes or food, but they can still buy candy?” She smiled and waved him
off. “Oh, people will always find a way to buy chocolate, Elliot. Chocolate is forever.

― Jack C. Monroe

“Love is life, and hate is death. Valentine’s Day chocolates should come in a box shaped like a coffin.

― Jarod Kintz

“It was 2:00 p.m., too early for wine but not for chocolate.”

― Andrea Hurst

“It was so dark, it was almost black and it melted on her tongue into an ancient flavor of seed pod, earth, shade, and
sunlight, its bitterness casting just a shadow of sweet. It tasted ... fine, so subtle and strange it made her feel like a
novitiate into some arcanum of spice.

― Laini Taylor

“Money can't buy happiness.
But, it can buy a chocolate, which is pretty much the same thing.”

― Hanako Ishii

“I might be able to walk away from sexy, dangerous shifters, but chocolate had me at its beck and call.”

― Meghan Ciana Doidge

“Sometimes, I feel my breath coming in shorter, quicker, spastic bursts, feel my heart threaten to thunder through my ribs,
feel sweat beading on my brow...and I know it’s time to bust out those “chocolate frogs” from Harry Potter.”

― Shannon Celebi

“Leo is looking down. Leo is looking down and his eyes and skin and hair like dark melted chocolate and he’s saying to me,

― Johnny Rich

“Nobody knows the truffles I've seen.”

― George Lang

“What's this?" He brought the brown square to his nose.
"It smells musty."
"It's chocolate. You'll love it."
"That's what you said about Skittles. I vomited a rainbow afterward.”

― Melissa Landers

“Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.”

― Fernando Pessoa

“Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food.”

― Michael Levine

“What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.”

― Katharine Hepburn

“If there's no chocolate in Heaven, I'm not going.”

― Jane Seabrook

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”

― Charles M. Schulz

“If chocolate is the answer....the question is irrelevant.

― Kim Knott

“Is the Easter Bunny a space alien trying to trick us into implanting us with his eggs? Because I will so swear off
chocolate right now.”

― Thomm Quackenbush

“man can not live on chocolate .... but women can”

― Hannah

“Synthetic chocolate sounds wrong.”

― Missy Lyons

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